Scarcity of resources, climate change

For our future, let’s turn to the sea


With a technically exploitable potential estimated at several thousand TWh/year, wave energy converters (WECs) have a strong development potential. About 10% of the world's annual electricity demand could be met with wave energy production.

Taking into account the learnings from existing wave technologies and the various barriers to their commercial development, Seaturns has defined five research objectives:
- Minimise the levelized cost of energy (LCOE),
- Ensure a high level of reliability and survivability to withstand severe sea states,
- Efficiently capture different types of swell,
- Facilitate installation and maintenance operations at sea,
- Minimise the cost and frequency of maintenance interventions.

To harness wave energy and convert it into electricity, Seaturns has developed a breakthrough wave energy solution based on an innovative anchoring system. This concept has been patented in France and internationally (Australia, China, Europe, South Africa and USA).

The developed technology is based on the principle of an internal water pendulum oscillating in a cylindrical floater. It is a simple, compact and robust solution, with reasonable dimensions.

Several markets are targeted: grid electricity production, supply to industrial sites and off-grid areas.



Project Manager and Partner

R&D Engineer

Valentin SERRE
Mechanical Design Engineer


Antoine BRIAND
Field of expertise:
Financial strategy
IP and legal strategy

Sébastien DUEZ
Field of expertise:
Business strategy

Field of expertise:
Technology strategy
MRE sector


Sea trials | Sainte-Anne du Portzic | 2023-2024

In October 2023 Seaturns starts sea trials on a 1/4-scale demonstrator. It is installed at Ifremer’s sea trials site in Sainte-Anne du Portzic near Brest (France).
These tests are being conducted in partnership with Ifremer and will last until summer 2024. They will validate the performance and reliability of a prototype in a marine and operational environment.

This sea trials phase, which is a strategic part of Seaturns’ roadmap, is part of the wider IAS-WEC project, which in July 2023 won the i-Nov competition organised by Bpifrance and ADEME. It is financed by the French government as part of France2030 and by the European Union – Next Generation EU as part of the France Relance plan.

Tank tests | Nantes | 2023

In February 2023, Seaturns is conducting two weeks of tests in the wave and ocean engineering basin of the LHEEA Centrale Nantes, the Laboratoire de recherche en Hydrodynamique, Énergétique et Environnement Atmosphérique at École Centrale de Nantes. These tests enable establishing reference power matrices to evaluate energy performance in greater detail, and analysing survival configurations in severe sea states.

These tests were funded by the Nouvelle-Aquitaine region as part of an R&D start-up innovation support contract.


Team for the planet invests in Seaturns


Seaturns has become one of the first ten stars of Team for the Planet at its latest fundraising event!!!

By harnessing wave energy, we aim to provide an energy production solution that is compatible with climate and environmental imperatives and become a major player in wave energy worldwide. This partnership and the raising of more than €800k will give the Seaturns project a new dimension and accelerate the development of our innovative technology.

For more information

French Blue Tech Index


The first ranking of French start-ups in the maritime sector has been launched by the Cluster Maritime Français, under the patronage of the Secretary of State for the Sea, Hervé Berville, as part of the “Jeudis de l’innovation maritime” (Maritime Innovation Thursdays) and with the support of Indosuez Wealth Management.
35 promising start-ups from the maritime sector were shortlisted, including Seaturns in the Energy sector.

For more information


Support for innovation

Financial partner

Financial partner

Support for R&D

R&D partner

Support for R&D

Support for R&D

Financial partner

Support for innovation

Support for innovation

Financial partner

Business incubator
