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Shell GameChanger programme

04/10/2023 Seaturns has been selected as part of the Shell GameChanger programme, which aims to identify technologies and solutions that support the energy transition. This programme aligns its efforts to the Powering Progress strategy, which accelerates the transition of Shell to net-zero emissions.Among more than 60 companies that Shell GameChanger has worked with since 2021, …

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Tank tests at École Centrale de Nantes

30/01/2023 – 14/02/2023 Seaturns conducted two weeks of tests in the wave basin of the LHEEA Centrale Nantes, with the financial support of the Nouvelle-Aquitaine region and the technical support of INNOSEA. For more details


27/12/2022 Seaturns closes the first part of its fundraising!The WiCLUB Économie Bleue is a new financing scheme for innovative projects in the maritime sector, set up by the crowdfunding platform WiSEED, the Pôle Mer Bretagne Atlantique (of which Seaturns is a member) and the Pôle Mer Méditerranée. It has simultaneously financed three projects, including Seaturns. …

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Strategy board

31/08/2022 In August 2022 Seaturns set up an advisory board to advise on its development strategy. The members of this committee provide expertise in governance, commercial, financial, technological and legal strategy, intellectual property and the marine renewable energy sector. This committee is made up of the following people: Antoine BRIAND, Sébastien DUEZ and Marc LAFOSSE.

Shell Startup Engine programme

23/06/2022 Seaturns has just been selected to be part of the Shell Startup Engine programme, along with Boreales Energy, Heliore Technologies, Up&Charge and WattAnyWhere.Our ambition is to decarbonise and diversify the global energy mix. The multidisciplinary support of a mentor and experts from Shell France will facilitate our development in 2022-2023.→ Shell France press release

WiCLUB: crowdfunding

09/03/2022 The Seaturns project has been selected by the Pôle Mer Bretagne Atlantique and the Pôle Mer Méditerranée to be part of a selection of innovative projects that will be collectively funded within the WiCLUB Économie Bleue. The fundraising is ensured by the crowdfunding platform WiSEED and it starts today!After technical and economic studies and …

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Seanergy 2021

22-23/09/2021 In partnership with the Nouvelle-Aquitaine region and ADI Nouvelle-Aquitaine, Seaturns had a stand at the Seanergy 2021 exhibition in Nantes (France).

Tank tests | Santander | 2021

In May-June 2021, Seaturns conducts two weeks of tests at Cantabria Coastal and Ocean Basin, the wave basin of IH Cantabria in Spain. These trials enable testing a wave energy converter at a scale of 1:10, which is a great step forward in Seaturns’ R&D programme. At this scale, it is possible to test an …

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Tank tests at IH Cantabria

24/05/2021 – 04/06/2021 Seaturns conducted two weeks of tests in the wave basin of IH Cantabria in Spain with the technical support of INNOSEA.The access to the basin was funded by the European research programme MaRINET2 (as part of the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme).

Airbus Développement financial support

31/03/2021 Airbus Développement provides financial support to the Seaturns project!This subsidiary of Airbus acts in all the territories where the group is established to support innovative companies and projects, and to encourage job creation.

European call MaRINET2

18/01/2021 Seaturns has once again been awarded by MaRINET2 !!As part of this European programme, we’ll soon test our prototype at the CCOB – Cantabria Coastal and Ocean Basin – of IH Cantabria, with the technical support of INNOSEA.

Tank tests | Porto | 2020

In November 2020, Seaturns conducts two weeks of tests in the wave basin of Porto University. The objective of these tests is to optimise the performance and to characterise the behavior of the system in multi-floaters configuration, in different sea states. The resistance in extreme conditions, with survival waves at varied incidences, is also tested. …

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Tank tests in Porto

09/11/2020 – 20/11/2020 Seaturns conducted two weeks of tests at the wave basin of Porto university (Portugal) with the technical support of INNOSEA, see video in the “Seaturns project” section.The access to the basin was funded by the European Union as part of the Interreg Atlantic Area PORTOS Project.

European call PORTOS Project

31/07/2020 As part of the European call Interreg Atlantic Area PORTOS Project, Seaturns has been selected to carry out its next tests in the wave basin of the University of Porto (Portugal).

European call Marine Energy Alliance

04/05/2020 The Seaturns project has been selected as part of the European call Marine Energy Alliance. It will benefit from support in the form of technical studies carried out by INNOSEA and a market study conducted by the Irish research centre MaREI.

Tank tests | Aalborg | 2020

In February-March 2020, Seaturns conducts two weeks of tests in the wave basin of Aalborg University (Denmark). The objective of these tests is to optimise the performance of the system and to characterise the behavior of the floater in different sea states. The resistance in extreme conditions (survival waves) and the operation of two associated …

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Tank tests in Aalborg

24/02/2020 – 06/03/2020 Seaturns conducted two weeks of tests at the wave basin of Aalborg university (Denmark), see video in the “Seaturns project” section.These tests have been supported by the Nouvelle-Aquitaine region, and the access to the basin was financed by the European research programme MaRINET2 (funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and …

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Trophées de l’avenir Europe 1

27/01/2020 Nominated for the Trophées de l’avenir Europe 1, Seaturns won the 2020 Environment Trophy. Vincent TOURNERIE then presented the project during a special broadcast of the program “La France bouge” on the French radio Europe 1.

Trophée Innovation Océan

16/01/2020 Seaturns was rewarded during the “Trophées de l’Innovation Océan” ceremony, an event which distinguished several projects aimed at better understanding the ocean, protecting it and using its resources sustainably. The jury brought together representatives of renowned organisations from the sea sector : Cluster Maritime Français, Pôles Mer Bretagne Atlantique and Méditerranée, Institut océanographique Fondation …

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European call MaRINET2

16/12/2019 The Seaturns project was selected during the European call for projects MaRINET2: we will soon carry out tests in the wave basin of Aalborg University in Denmark, with the technical support of INNOSEA.

Grant of the Nouvelle-Aquitaine region

04/12/2019 The Nouvelle-Aquitaine region has just voted to award Seaturns a grant that will enable it to complete phase 1 of its R&D program. On the program: two weeks of basin tests and the continuation of numerical modeling, with the assistance of INNOSEA.

Press review (in French)

22/10/2019 Seaturns : eau douce et électricité produites grâce aux vagues 11/10/2019 SEATURNS, le système houlomoteur cylindrique passe à l’étape de prototype

HyWEC 2 conference

21/06/2019 Invited by Institut de Mathématiques de Bordeaux (CNRS joint research unit – University of Bordeaux – Bordeaux INP), Seaturns gave a speech on june 20, 2019 during the scientific conference HyWEC 2 – The Hydrodynamics of Wave Energy Converters ( This event brought together dozens of European researchers specialised in the modeling, mathematical analysis …

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World Impact Summit 2019

27/05/2019 The Bordeaux start-up Seaturns held a stand at the World Impact Summit 2019, the international summit of solutions for the planet that took place from 23 to 25 May 2019 in Bordeaux. This event brought together 2,500 professionals, 200 exhibitors and 40 speakers on the subject of major environmental issues. Seaturns presented its innovative …

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